In this brief, a novel filtering impedance transformer with good selectivity and high termination impedance is proposed, of which close-formed design equations are derived and effectively verified. Then, a dual-band dual-output filtering power amplifier (PA) operating at 2.4-2.6 GHz and 3.4-3.6 GHz is designed based on the proposed filtering impedance transformer. The dual-band filtering PA contains a diplexer-like output matching network, which can separate two band signals into corresponding output branches. EM-simulated results of the diplexer-like output matching network show that the isolation between the two output ports is better than 30.7 dB. Finally, for demonstration, the dual-band dual-output filtering PA using a packaged 10W transistor is fabricated, and the measured drain efficiencies are 45.3%-50.2% and 41.7%-53.2% at lower and higher bands, respectively. Also, a good dual-band filtering response is obtained. A good agreement between simulated and measured results is observed.